
Hannah Bailey        

“That Might Be Marriage, but This Is Not: Looking at the Same-Sex Marriage Debate Through the Lens of Interracial Marriage”

Advisor: Jenna Reinbold

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Hannah Coles    

“Lucan Apologia on Trial: Hidden Transcripts, Resistance Ethics, and Status Reversal in the Gospel of Luke”

Advisor: Clarice Martin

Download Coles's thesis (PDF) View Coles's thesis (PDF)

Louisa Fowler

“Latter-Day Saint Kinship: The Salvific Power of the Family”

Advisor: Chris Vecsey

Download Fowler's thesis (PDF) View Fowler's thesis (PDF)

Virginia Irby

“The Country is Going to Hell: Conservative Christian Groups Use of Chaos Rhetoric as the Root of American Aversion to Same-Sex Marriage”

Advisor: Jenna Reinbold

Download Irby's thesis (PDF) View Irby's thesis (PDF)

Sonia Ost

“How Would Jesus Vote: Contemporary Christian Issues Demonstrated through Voter Guides”

Advisor: Lesleigh Cushing

Download Ost's thesis (PDF) View Ost's thesis (PDF)

Julia Wells

“Confronting the Constitutional Order: Reconciling Satan and the Free Exercise of Religion”

Advisor: Jenna Reinbold

Download Wells's thesis (PDF) View Wells's thesis (PDF)

Zhelun Zhou

“More than Half the Sky: The Women's Virtue Movement in Contemporary China”

Advisor: Brenton Sullivan

Download Zhou's thesis (PDF) View Zhou's thesis (PDF)