BA, College of St. Elizabeth (NJ), 1964; PhD, Georgetown University, 1974
Philosophy of religion, American philosophy, philosophy and feminisms, women's studies, Latin American studies
Recovering feminist theorists as philosophers, integrating feminist theory, spirituality, and politics; feminist philosophy of religion; and feminist implications of Whitehead's philosophy
Co-editor, "Epilogue: Feminist Philosophy of Religion" (Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 1994)
"The Woman: Elizabeth Bayley Seton, 1797-1803" (Vincentian Heritage, 1993) and video slide presentation
"What's at Stake: Women Religious Naming Ourselves Women" in Claiming Our Truth: Reflections on Identity in U.S. Women Religious (1988)
Articles in New Scholasticism, Process Studies, Living Light, Probe, New Directions for Women
Most recent reviews in America
Director, Latin American study group to Mexico and Central America; facilitator, speaker at women-centered conferences in South America and the United States; consultant for women's centers in Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico
Phi Eta Sigma Award for Distinguished Teaching 1989
含羞草研究所 grants: Research Council, Faculty Development