Edited Books
Everyday Life-Environmentalism: Community Sustainabilities and Resilience in Asia (edited with Hiroyuki Torigoe). (London: Routledge, 2023).
Rebuilding Fukushima (edited with Mitsuo Yamakawa). (London: Routledge, 2017).
Unravelling the Fukushima Disaster (edited with Mitsuo Yamakawa). (London: Routledge, 2016).
Peer Reviewed Articles (*denotes 含羞草研究所 student at the time of research)
If It’s in Our Backyard: The Roles of Local Knowledge in the Formation of a Nuclear Oversight Organisation (with Yumiko Yamamoto). Local Environment, September, 1–15 (2024). .
Unpacking Conflict-Ridden Everyday Life: Perspectives from Life-Environmentalism. (with Takehito Noda). Progress in Environmental Geography, September, 27539687241276538 (2024). .
A Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Social Determinants of Health for COVID-19 (with Claire Bonzani* and Peter Scull). Geospatial Health. 18(1) (2023).
Cursed Forever? Exploring Socio-Economic Effects of Nuclear Power Plant Closures Across Nine Communities in the United States (with Angelica Greco*). Energy Research & Social Sciences 92 (2022).
Nuclear-to-Nature Land Conversion (with Julia Feikens* and Melissa Haller*). Geographical Review 111(3) (2020), 415-436.
Geographical Political Economy of Nuclear Power Plant Closures (with Angelica Greco*). Geoforum 106 (2019), 234–43.
Economic Resilience of Japanese Nuclear Host Communities: A Quasi-Experimental Modeling Approach (with Paul Plummer). Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 5 (2019), 1586-1608.
Resisting Globalization Through Services? A View from the Diverse Economies Literature. Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers. 63 (2017), 60-76. (in Japanese)
Recasting the Agglomeration Benefits for Innovation in a Hits-Based Cultural Industry: Evidence from the Japanese Console Videogame Industry (with Seiji Hanzawa). Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. 59 (2017), 59-78.
World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) in the United States: Locations and Motivations of Volunteer Tourism Host Farms (with A. Katrina Engelsted*). Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 22 (2014), 964-982.
Community Resilience to a Developmental Shock: A Case Study of a Rural Village in Nagano, Japan (with Yumiko Yamamoto). Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses. 1 (2013), 99-115.
Repositioning Regional Inequality Research from the Geographical Political Economy Perspective. Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers. 58(3) (2012), 228-237 (in Japanese).
Regional Resilience: Prospects for Regional Development Research. Geography Compass. 5 (2011), 723-736.
Trends of Sustainable Tourism Research. Journal of Environmental Sociology. 15 (2009), 139-152 (in Japanese).
Scales of Regional Income Disparities in the United States, 1955-2003. Journal of Economic Geography. 8 (2008), 79-103.
Production Linkages in and between Places: The Recent Development of the Bicycle Industry Agglomeration in Osaka. Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers. 50 (2004), 1-23.
Gauging Metropolitan 'High-Tech' and 'I-Tech' Activity (with Karen Chapple, Ann Markusen, Greg Schrock, and Pingkang Yu). Economic Development Quarterly. 18 (2004), 10-29.
Issues of Globalization and Reflexivity in the Japanese Tourism Production System: The Case of Whistler, British Columbia (with Alison M. Gill). Professional Geographer. 54 (2002), 83-93. 2002.
Book Chapters and Other Articles
Empirically Speaking: Life-Environmentalism, Environmental Justice, and Feminist Political Ecology (with Sophia Ferrero* and Keegan Kessler*) In Everyday Life-Environmentalism (2023), edited by Daisaku Yamamoto and Hiroyuki Torigoe, 1st ed., 1:207–23. Routledge.
生活論と「多様な経済」論の狭間で. 松村和則?前田和司?石岡丈昇編『白いスタジアムと「生活の論理」ースポーツ化する社会への警鐘ー』(2020) 東北大学出版会 25-56.
避難地区設定のポリティクス『現代地政学事典』(2020) 丸善出版
Life Environmentalism. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition. (2019).
米国における原子力発電と立地地域ー廃炉局面を迎えて. 歴史と地理 713 (2018/4), 58-67.
開発とスポーツの空間ー地理学の視点. 松村和則? 石岡丈昇?村田周祐編『開発とスポーツの社会学ー開発主義を超えて』(2014) 南窓社 142-161.