As an officer of your club sports team, you are responsible for submitting the necessary forms and documentation to the recreational sports office.
The Department of Recreation and Physical Education serves as advisers to the leaders of º¬Ðß²ÝÑо¿Ëù's club sports teams.
Resources for Officers
Learn the processes and procedures for running a club.
Guides for Club Sport Leaders
Before the Event:
- Determine facility availability prior to confirming with other teams. Send in requests including facility, dates/ times using the
- Use the to notify Rec Sports of all your needs, including facilities, purchases, registrations, and equipment.
- A Club Management Doc will be created and updated in each club's Google Folder. This will contain facility and event information, authorized drivers and more club specific information.
- Share the with your members so they can be authorized to drive for any club event.
- Be sure your event is on the club sports calendar. Here are for adding your events to Google calendar.
- Make arrangements for officials, if needed. Adult Official will need to fill out a at the event, which you need to turn in afterwards. Contact CJ Molina if your club can use student officials.
Confirm that all members are listed on your roster and Safety Offers need to confirm that they have all completed a.
At Event:
- Sign in (scan phone codes) of all members at each event.
- Send an , indicating whether anyone was hurt during the event (even if there were no injuries!).
After the Event:
- Provide an event summary in the End of Semester Report in your club's Google folder.
- Return uniforms, gear, and any W-9 forms or receipts to the Huntington Cage and/or the Department of Recreation.
Before the Event:
- Confirm that all members are listed on your roster and Safety Offers need to confirm that they have all completed a.
- Use the to notify Rec Sports of all your needs, including hotels, transportation, cash advances, and equipment. If you need to use a º¬Ðß²ÝÑо¿Ëù van or rental car you need to have authorized drivers, see the van section below. Put in your reservation request as early in your planning process as you can, we can make updates as needed.
- Anyone driving a personal vehicle must have a on file with the Department of Recreation. Drivers will be noted on your Club Management Doc in your club's Google Folder. We will process mileage reimbursements at the end of each semester's season, unless other arrangements are made in advance. Club budgets will also determine mileage reimbursements.
- Be sure your event is on the club sports calendar. Here are for adding your events to Google calendar.
At Event:
- Sign in (scan phone codes) of all members at each event.
- Send an , indicating whether anyone was hurt during the event (even if there were no injuries!).
After the Event:
- Provide an event summary in the End of Semester Report in your club's Google folder.
- Return uniforms, gear, and any forms or receipts to the Huntington Cage and/or the Department of Recreation.
Beginning of Year (Fall):
- Attend individual meeting with the club sport supervisor.
- Attend Club Sport Leaders Training.
- Drivers should complete the online van license course per campus safety and submit the Driver Authorization Form.
- Review .
- Represent club to recruit new members at annual Club Sport Fair.
Planning Events (throughout the year):
- See Home Event Planning and Away Event Planning
- Provide event summaries in your semester end report in your clubs' google folder.
Mid-Year (December/January):
- Email your with any changes to your leadership team.
- Attend Club Sport Leaders Training.
- New leaders: Attend individual meeting with the .
- Confirm that all new members, including those returning from off-campus study, have completed the roster and completed a.
- Provide a summary of the fall in your semester end report in your clubs' google folder.
- Represent club to recruit new members at annual Club Sport Fair.
End of Year (April):
- Email with any changes to your leadership team for the fall.
- Complete your semester end report in your clubs' google folder. Provide wrap up information and a summary of how the year went.
- Attend any Club informational Meetings as scheduled.
- Complete and submit Club Sport Tier Application for upcoming academic year.
Facility Use
Facilities will be requested by Rec Sports once you fill out the .
Schedules may be viewed on the Use the Browse Events Option and select your Facility under the Filter Link.
Teams should be familiar with facility use guidelines for both Sanford Field House and Tyler's Field.
Van Reservations will be requested from B&G by Rec Sports once you fill out the information in the .
We recommend Clubs have multiple drivers. Trips over 4 hours require 2 drivers. Club members must have valid van license to use º¬Ðß²ÝÑо¿Ëù Vans, which are very limited, request as soon as you schedule games and events. Campus safety issues students van licenses after completion of an online test, background check and driving test, note that this process takes 2 – 5 weeks. The Driver Authorization Form should be taken to campus safety after you complete the online portion.